
[ 人物時事 專訪系列]台灣四面環海 海洋國家 困難重重 孤兒如何突破重圍 榮航海事老董告訴您~台灣處境

ETENews新聞部主任 徐寅勝/高雄報導

圖/ Webstet Yang /榮航海事公司 提供

Webstet Yang 從事海運業快20年,也經歷過各種不同區塊的管理,像是船員、船舶國際安全管理、船舶保險和船舶檢驗,在這些區塊中往往一開始就是個燙手山芋, 從救治到建構的過程中,都有相當好的歷練。承上述Webstet Yang從果倒因, 當需要跟保險公司索賠船舶損失時,除了自然不可抗力的災害(這種因素相當稀少,也不一定能直接造成船舶全損) ,簡單來說就是公司對船舶的管理出了相當落差或是這公司是靠著信仰在營運。
再來從因探果,基本上船舶建造是符合國際海事公約要求,那船員當然也是有受過國際船員標準訓練,那問題出在哪? 公司知道怎麼去挑選好的船員嗎?或示好的船員願意選擇這家公司嗎? 每個船員當然有證書,台灣公司一般來說找船員進來卻不知道這船員跟自己公司的船應該要有什麼樣的相關性,但很會設立條件防船員搞鬼,簡單說在這一區塊就是一個錯誤的開始,產出的結果是公司覺得船員不好管理,船舶保養差強人意,例行公事就是把責任都推給船員。
船員當然是原因,那原因的根本是什麼? 從船員問題再去導出真正根本原因是什麼,就是船公司老闆的業務領域很強但真的知道怎麼去經營一家公司去管理船舶嗎? 這些是生財器具也可能賠光資本。在台灣薪資不高的狀況下,只要找個吃苦耐勞 (註:假日或晚上也可能出勤, 但薪資跟一般上班族差不多)會講幾句英文的人就能去做這樣船舶管理,覺得不夠那找個經驗老到的退休人員來當指導教授總可以吧!? Webstet Yang的答案是否定的,船舶管理需要持續性,不只是今日事今日畢,要是請到只想短暫打工跟已無人生目標性的員工(先不論”指導教授”是否對經驗缺少的員工做經驗傳承) ,簡單說要是員工不能有心去做持續性的管理工作,那這公司對船舶的管理應該是靠信仰跟運氣維持。 為什麼產生這樣的現象,就開題所說的四面環海的島國對IMO很陌生也不知道國際海事公約為何物,以為經營船舶跟經營公司是一樣方式,但船舶可是要去別國家的港口作運輸來賺取運費,當然這些國家是加入IMO的會員國,當然使用國際海事公約來要求進入他國家港口的船舶。當船舶不符合國際海事公約的要求,就會被扣留在當地港口,在釋放前船東除了燒錢也損失賺錢的機會。

那榮航海事能做到什麼,在一開始就可以幫船東挑選體質優良與適合公司經營的船舶,再來熟悉每個購買與交接船舶流程(最佳紀錄是從買賣方開始交接船, 4小時就讓船舶準備好可以開航,這應該是在業界難以打破的紀錄) ,挑選配置船東所需的船員,建議船東購買需要的船舶保險,幫船東管理跟維修船舶, 簡單說船東只需要負責業務發展,其他一切大小事讓榮航做服務就好。
或許船東會想說那自己成立管理團隊不就好了,除上述員工問題外, 優良的管理團隊是需要相當投資的,要讓員工去參加訓練增進海事專業,但是這員工要是只想要短期打工或無心在這崗位,那錢就白花了。 榮航海事為了維持優良的管理品質,自當需要不斷精進與調整適合管理方式來服務好船東。Webstet Yang海運人生中一位重要的老師是香港海事局的高級驗船主任,他挑明說了船舶安全管理就是不斷燒錢,但榮航海事可以幫船東把錢花在必要的地方就好,人、船跟零配件, 要是不知道其中訣竅與因果,錢花多了也不會有預期效果。
最後,最近台灣很夯的產業離岸風電,其中一部分就是開發商要求台灣的海事工程船要符合國際安全管理(ISM),本來只有從事國際貿易的海運公司才需要符合ISM要求,現在連近岸的海事工程船都被要求,對很多國內廠商是個挑戰,偏偏專業人才真的不多,與其自己土法煉鋼浪費時間也不知道開發商要求是什麼不如交給專業船舶管理公司榮航海事,台灣第一家申請海事工程船的公司管理系統皆由楊俊彥先生精心編整, 讓國內外顧客一次到位。

圖/ 榮航海事公司 提供
與Webstet Yang 相見歡和影
圖/ Webstet Yang /榮航海事公司 提供

Taiwan is surrounded by the sea. In usual, it should be a country with a very developed maritime system and a relatively complete system. It is comparable to Singapore and Hong Kong. However, due to its special international status, Taiwan be a member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Even though Taiwan ’s international maritime industry is quite developed, it is always Orphans in international shipping management.

Webster Yang 從事海運業快20年,也經歷過各種不同區塊的管理,像是船員、船舶國際安全管理、船舶保險和船舶檢驗,在這些區塊中往往一開始就是個燙手山芋, 從救治到建構的過程中,都有相當好的歷練。承上述Webstet Yang從果倒因, 當需要跟保險公司索賠船舶損失時,除了自然不可抗力的災害(這種因素相當稀少,也不一定能直接造成船舶全損) ,簡單來說就是公司對船舶的管理出了相當落差或是這公司是靠著信仰在營運。
Webster Yang is working for shipping companies for nearly 20 years, and has also experienced the management of various fields, such as crewing, ship international safety management, ship insurance and ship inspection. In these fileds, it is often a hot potato from the beginning, from rescue to in the process of set up, there are quite good experiences. According to the above mentioned Webster Yang, when it is necessary to claim ship losses with insurance companies, in addition to god force (this kind of factor is quite rare, and may not directly cause total damage to the ship), in short, it is the company and ship has a considerable gap in management or the company is operating the ship by god blessing.

再來從因探果,基本上船舶建造是符合國際海事公約要求,那船員當然也是有受過國際船員標準訓練,那問題出在哪? 公司知道怎麼去挑選好的船員嗎?或示好的船員願意選擇這家公司嗎? 每個船員當然有證書,台灣公司一般來說找船員進來卻不知道這船員跟自己公司的船應該要有什麼樣的相關性,但很會設立條件防船員搞鬼,簡單說在這一區塊就是一個錯誤的開始,產出的結果是公司覺得船員不好管理,船舶保養差強人意,例行公事就是把責任都推給船員。
From the cause and effect, basically the ship construction was complied with the requirements of the international maritime conventions, and the crew is of course also trained to the international crew standards (STCW). What is the problem? Does the company know how to choose a suitable crew? Would crew like to choose this company? Of course, each crew member has a competence certificate. Taiwan companies generally look for crew members but do not know how to choose the suitable crews for their own ships. Simply in this step is a wrong start, the output result is that the company feels that the crew is not easy to manage, the maintenance of the ship is unsatisfactory, and the routine is to put the responsibility on the crew.

船員當然是原因,那原因的根本是什麼? 從船員問題再去導出真正根本原因是什麼,就是船公司老闆的業務領域很強但真的知道怎麼去經營一家公司去管理船舶嗎? 這些是生財器具也可能賠光資本。在台灣薪資不高的狀況下,只要找個吃苦耐勞 (註:假日或晚上也可能出勤, 但薪資跟一般上班族差不多)會講幾句英文的人就能去做這樣船舶管理,覺得不夠那找個經驗老到的退休人員來當指導教授總可以吧!? Webstet Yang的答案是否定的,船舶管理需要持續性,不只是今日事今日畢,要是請到只想短暫打工跟已無人生目標性的員工(先不論”指導教授”是否對經驗缺少的員工做經驗傳承) ,簡單說要是員工不能有心去做持續性的管理工作,那這公司對船舶的管理應該是靠信仰跟運氣維持。 為什麼產生這樣的現象,就開題所說的四面環海的島國對IMO很陌生也不知道國際海事公約為何物,以為經營船舶跟經營公司是一樣方式,但船舶可是要去別國家的港口作運輸來賺取運費,當然這些國家是加入IMO的會員國,當然使用國際海事公約來要求進入他國家港口的船舶。當船舶不符合國際海事公約的要求,就會被扣留在當地港口,在釋放前船東除了燒錢也損失賺錢的機會。
Of course, the crew is the reason. What is the root cause? From the crew problem, what is the real root cause? The shipping company owner has a strong business field, but does he really know how to operate a company to manage the ship? These are fortunes Appliances may also lose capital. In the case of low salaries in Taiwan, only looking for hard work (note: may be on duty on holidays or at night, but the salary is similar to the average office worker). A person who can speak a few English can do this kind of ship management? It ’s okay to find an experienced retiree to be the advisor! Webster Yang ’s answer is no. Ship management needs continuity, not only today ’s events but today ’s, if you only want to work shortly on this job and have no life goals. Employees (regardless of whether the “supervising professor” does experience inheritance for employees with lack of experience), simply say that if the employees cannot consciously do continuous management, then the company’s management of the ship should be maintained by god blessing and luck. Why such a phenomenon occurs? The island countries surrounded by the sea mentioned in the opening narrative are very strange to IMO and do not know what the International Maritime Convention is. I think that operating ships is the same as operating shore companies, but ships are going to ports in other countries for transportation. Earning freight, of course, these countries are members of the IMO, and of course use the international maritime convention to require ships entering the ports of other countries. When the ship does not meet the requirements of the International Maritime Convention, it will be detained at the local port, and the shipowner will lose the opportunity to make money in addition to burning the money before release.

那榮航海事能做到什麼,在一開始就可以幫船東挑選體質優良與適合公司經營的船舶,再來熟悉每個購買與交接船舶流程(最佳紀錄是從買賣方開始交接船, 4小時就讓船舶準備好可以開航,這應該是在業界難以打破的紀錄) ,挑選配置船東所需的船員,建議船東購買需要的船舶保險,幫船東管理跟維修船舶, 簡單說船東只需要負責業務發展,其他一切大小事讓榮航做服務就好。
或許船東會想說那自己成立管理團隊不就好了,除上述員工問題外, 優良的管理團隊是需要相當投資的,要讓員工去參加訓練增進海事專業,但是這員工要是只想要短期打工或無心在這崗位,那錢就白花了。 榮航海事為了維持優良的管理品質,自當需要不斷精進與調整適合管理方式來服務好船東。Webster Yang海運人生中一位重要的老師是香港海事局的高級驗船主任,他挑明說了船舶安全管理就是不斷燒錢,但榮航海事可以幫船東把錢花在必要的地方就好,人、船跟零配件, 要是不知道其中訣竅與因果,錢花多了也不會有預期效果。
最後,最近台灣很夯的產業離岸風電,其中一部分就是開發商要求台灣的海事工程船要符合國際安全管理(ISM),本來只有從事國際貿易的海運公司才需要符合ISM要求,現在連近岸的海事工程船都被要求,對很多國內廠商是個挑戰,偏偏專業人才真的不多,與其自己土法煉鋼浪費時間也不知道開發商要求是什麼不如交給專業船舶管理公司榮航海事,台灣第一家申請海事工程船的公司管理系統皆由楊俊彥先生精心編整, 讓國內外顧客一次到位。

What can “Green Shipping Co.,” do? At the beginning, it can help the shipowner to choose a ship with good physique and suitable for the company’s operation, and then be familiar with the process of buying and handing over the ship (the best record is to start handing over the ship from the buyer and seller, make the ship be ready to sail within 4 hours, which should be a record that is hard to break), manning the crew who required by the shipowner, suggest that the shipowner purchase the required ship insurance, help the shipowner manage and repair the ship, simply say the shipowner only need to be responsible for business development, let “Green Shipping Co.,” do the service for all other things.
Perhaps the shipowner would like to say that why not to set up a management team by himself. In addition to the above-mentioned employee problems, a good management team requires considerable investment. It is necessary for employees to participate in training to improve the maritime profession, but if this employee only wants short-term work part-time or unintentionally in this position, the money will be spent in vain. In order to maintain excellent management quality, “Green Shipping Co.,” needs to constantly improve and adjust suitable management methods to serve shipowners. An important teacher in Webster Yang ’s marine life is the senior ship senior surveyor of the Hong Kong Marine Department. He said that ship safety management is constantly burning money, but “Green Shipping Co.,” can help ship owners spend money where necessary. If you don’t know the know-how and cause and effect of people, ships and spare parts, you will not have the expected effect if you spend more money.
Finally, the recent offshore wind power industry in Taiwan is very hot, part of which is that developers require Taiwan ’s work ships to comply with the International Safety Management (ISM). Originally, only shipping companies engaged in international trade need to meet the ISM requirements. Of all work ships are required, which is a challenge to many domestic shipowner, but there are really not many professionals on ISM. Instead of wasting time with their own thinking, they don’t know what the offshore wind farm merchant’s requirements are. The first company management system in Taiwan to apply for a work ship has been edited by Webster Yang and approved by government, so that relevant domestic and foreign companies for offshore wind farm project can be has the same standard working quality.

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